These are the collections.

To take the guess work out of menu planning, I’ve grouped some themed recipes that’ll help you expand your horizons and really show out in the kitchen. You’ll roast, braise, and generally get after it to make some seriously tasty meals.

To keep it manageable, each collection includes the menu, links to the individual recipes, the shopping list, and the to-do list. Along the way, I’ll lay out some of my tips, tricks, and acceptable substitutions in case one of the ingredients isn’t your jam.

The collections are written to feed you and one other very lucky person for a few days. If you’re riding solo, you can either halve the recipes and shopping lists or you can just run through each meal twice before moving onto the next and feed yourself for a full week or so.

Above all, the collections make for high quality content when you want to convince your ex you’re still #thriving.

Emmy Friedler Emmy Friedler


I don’t pretend to be an expert in any other cultures, but there is soy sauce involved, so it’s at least Asian-ish.

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greek week
Emmy Friedler Emmy Friedler

greek week

Full disclosure, it’s only a Greek three days but that doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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